Hydrologic Education
The Center for Hydrometeorology and Remote Sensing (CHRS) is a research program of the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering in the Henry Samueli School of Engineering at the University of California, Irvine.
The current CHRS graduate student researchers are enrolled in the Ph.D. program offered by the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering.
Prospective students interested in Civil Engineering with an emphasis in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering are encouraged to review the information on the Henry Samueli School of Engineering Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering website: Environmental Hydrology and Water Resources.
Additional information about graduate programs offered by the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering is available at Graduate Students - CEE - UC Irvine.
For more information on hydrology and climate research at UCI in the Earth System Science Department, School of Physical Sciences, visit Hydrology & Climate, Famiglietti Group, UCI.
General information about the graduate programs at UCI and admission policies can be found on the UCI Office of Graduate Studies website at OGS: Prospective Students.
Postdoctoral scholars are also engaged in research at the Center for Hydrometeorology and Remote Sensing (CHRS). Positions are subject to availability of external funding.
UCI is committed to excellence through diversity and provides equal opportunity in its admissions, employment, programs, and services.